
05 February, 2013


Hai my lovely blog @ diary kesayangan saye... farah wanna share some important tips. Actually farah pun tak tahu important ke tak tip ni but farah tetap wanna write this tip ni jugak. I don't care. LOL.. :) 
Tip yang farah wanna share with my lovely diary ni ialah ''PREVENTING MOTION SICKNESS''. But first of all, you all tahu ke apekah itu maksud motion sickness ni?? emm..just let me tell you all je la ok.. Motion sickness ni sebenarnye adelah rase pening or nak muntah semase kite travel. Ade sesetengah orang je yang mengalami semua ni,betul tak? Macam farah,farah tak mengalami ini semua ok. Ha3.. Eh3..betul le.Tak percaye sudah..Ha3.. :)
Motion tu pun dah membawa maksud pergerakan. Haih. :) Ini yang buat farah teringat mase farah belajar subject science mase form 1 until form 5. Mase farah form 4 & form 5, farah ni budak science stream. Kategori budak pandai le jugak.Yela science stream kan. Ha3..perasan le pulok.. :) (keep telling myself,farah don't be perasan OK) 
Now farah wanna ask,
 Do you suffer from nausea and dizziness every time you travel? If you do, you could be prone to motion sickness, a disturbance within the inner ear caused by repetitive movement.

Here are a few ways to beat it :

1. Refrain from eating before and during travel.

2. Do not sit facing backwards.

3. Choose your seat carefully. If you are in a car, try to sit in front. In a plane, choose a seat in the middle, and close to the wing.

4. Don't talk about feeling sick and don't sit near people who do !

5. There are medications available to prevent motion sickness. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend one.

And lastly if there's anyone of you yang tak tahu maksud nausea tadi tu. Now i will tell you. Nausea tu maksudnye the feeling that you are going to vomit. Selalunye orang yang mengalami nausea ni will look at sick. Emm tapi kalau you all tanye kat farah pulak maksud vomit tu,farah akan bagitahu kat you all ok..Vomit tu maksudnye bring up food from the stomach.
Emm setakat ini jela ea yang dapat farah share dengan you all & dengan diary kesayangan farah ni. 
Sharing Is Caring. Daaa.BYE..With Love..LOL..XOX..

                                   Cute tak muke farah ni?? Ha3.. Hi3.. Muke nak muntah ke ni??
                                   Tak ade langsung muke nak muntah kan? Tah pape je kan
                                    Ha3.. :)

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